Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha | ||
Athan | 6:14 am | 7:32 am | 1:06 pm | 4:05 pm | 6:36 pm | 7:55 pm | |
Iqama | 6:45 am | 1:40 pm | 4:45 pm | 6:53 pm | 9:15 pm |
A khutba starts at 1:30 pm.
English Khutbah
Salam Salatul Janazah in Ghayb will be offered at Al Huda Institute for Sh Muhammad Al Shareef after both Jumuahs In Sha Allah
🕌 📖 Come to the masjid at Maghrib tonight for our program: Nawawi’s 40 Hadith, taught by brother Samir Hussain. Register here: https://alhuda.themasjidapp.net/events/4630
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