Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha | ||
Athan | 5:17 am | 6:44 am | 11:51 am | 3:07 pm | 4:47 pm | 6:14 pm | |
Iqama | 5:40 am | 1:00 pm | 4:00 pm | 4:49 pm | 6:45 pm |
A khutba starts at 1:15 pm.
Imam's Talk 1:10 pmΒ | Khutbah 1:45 pm
Please note that Darood-e-Nariyah has been cancelled for tonight, November 21. We will resume next Thursday Insha'Allah.
Please note that for the month of November 2024, the Ladies Moulood will be held Sunday, November 17 instead of the normal 2nd Sunday (November 10)
Now that the new masjid is open, Darood-e-Nariya moves back to Thursdays. Join us at IIT and also live on Facebook every Thursday at 8:00 pm as Imam Ashraf recites Surah Kahf and Darood-e-Nariya.
π Ladies Moulood - a spiritual gathering creating sacred space and empowerment for Sisters β‘οΈ
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