Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha | ||
Athan | 6:13 am | 7:39 am | 12:11 pm | 2:22 pm | 4:41 pm | 6:07 pm | |
Iqama | 6:33 am | 12:45 pm | 2:42 pm | 4:46 pm | 7:30 PM |
A khutba starts at 12:15pm.
1st - Brothers Only
Another khutba starts at 1:00pm.
2nd - Brothers Only
Another khutba starts at 1:45pm.
3rd - Brothers and Sisters
FRIDAY SCHEDULE: 1st Jumuah (Brothers only) : 12:15pm 2nd Jumuah (Brothers only) : 1:00pm 3rd Jumuah (Brothers & Sisters) : 1:45pm
FRIDAY SCHEDULE 1st Jumuah (Brothers only) : 1:30pm 2nd Jumuah (Brothers only) : 2:30pm 3rd Jumuah (Brothers & Sisters) : 3:30pm
Join ISV for a Community Iftaar on June 15th Masjid Al-Barakah at 8:30pm All Are Welcome
Masjid Al-Barakah Will be holding Eid Al-Adha Prayers
Get your tickets now at Masjid Al-Barakah! Adults: $20 Kids: $10
Bring a dish to share, please register using the following link https://forms.gle/Vkd4ZXepBZWUFg4u5
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