Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha | ||
Athan | 5:47 am | 7:09 am | 11:50 am | 2:11 pm | 4:29 pm | 5:51 pm | |
Iqama | 6:15 am | 1:15 pm | 3:00 pm | 4:35 pm | 7:30 pm |
A khutba starts at 1:00 PM. At Main Masjid Hall (2nd Floor).
Khutbah by Shaykh Abderrahman (12/06/2024)
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15 week course: Lesson & Reflection
Join us for a family night every first Friday of the month. Salat ul Isha follwed by khatira and dinner.
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