Unity Center of Santa Clarita

24352 Walnut Street, Santa Clarita, CA 91321Get Directions

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Prayer Times

Athan5:36 am6:47 am12:09 pm3:52 pm5:30 pm6:41 pm
IqamaNot SupportedNot SupportedNot SupportedNot SupportedNot Supported
Iqama times were last updated 6 months ago


A khutba starts at 1:15 pm. At Unity Center.


Jul 8, 2022 3:44 PM

Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that: the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “Al-Yawmul-Maw’ud (the Promised Day) is the Day of Resurrection, and Al-Yawmul-Mashhud (the Attended Day) is the Day of Arafah, and Ash-Shahid (the witness) is Friday.” He said: “The sun does not rise nor set, upon a day that is more virtuous than it. In it, there is an hour in which no believing worshipper makes a supplication to Allah for good, except that Allah answers it for him, and he does not seek Allah’s aid for something, except that He aids him in it.” (Jami’ at-Tirmidhi, Book 47, Hadith 3661)

Jul 1, 2022 11:47 PM

The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are here. These are the most virtuous days of the year, in which Allah (swt) has blessed his Ummah with opportunities to multiply their rewards through His infinite mercy. The Prophet (saw) said, ‘There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than in these (ten) days’. [Abu Dawud] Here are some things to do on the first 10 days: * Fast the day of Arafah (9th Dhul Hijjah) * Fast the first 9 days of Dhul Hijjah (if you are not performing the Hajj) * Make thikr: Tahleel (La ilah ill-Allah), Takbeer (Allahu Akbar), and Tahmeed (Alhamdulillah). * Make Istaghfar * Recite Quran * Make dua (with increased dua on day of Arafah) * Pray Tahajjud and other voluntary prayers. * If you are going to do the Udhiya/Qurbani, consider not clipping your nails or hair. * Give charity.



1 pm
Unity Center

The Unity Center of Santa Clarita is open for Jumu'ah. However MASKS are required.

Halaqa (Tue/Thu)

Unity Center

Weekly Discussion on Qur'an and Hadith led by Shaikh Abu Omar after Maghrib (Tuesdays & Thursdays). Please adhere to Unity Center guidelines

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